(DFHTEP) when a CICS task is not ready to accept a
record from an input process queue.
If the CICS task issues a read before the interval
expires, processing continues normally and DFHTEP is
not notified. The default value is zero.
specifies the relative line number of a pooled line. It is
mandatory when inquiring about pooled lines. For
information about pooled lines, see the
CICS Resource
Definition Guide
The line is not available for use. Changing the status of
the line does not affect the equivalent status of the
terminals on it.
Tasks running on terminals associated with the line are
abnormally terminated, but task termination occurs only
if system and data integrity can be maintained.
Function: Change the status of a mode name.
Description: The SET MODENAME command is used to
reset the connection to a remote system or to another CICS
region, change the number of sessions available, and
acquire or close the sessions associated with the mode
Syntax: Press the Clear key to clear the screen. There are
two ways of commencing this transaction:
Type CEMT SET MODENAME (theminimum abbreviation is
CEMT S MOD) with either a modename or ALL. You get a
display that lists the current status, similar to that
obtained by CEMT INQUIRE MODENAME. You can
then tab to the highlighted or blank fields and overtype
them with the required values.
Type CEMT SET MODENAME (CEMT S MOD)with either a
modename or ALL, followed by one or more attribute
settings that you wish to change. For example, cemt s
mod(modename) acq will cause CICS to acquire all the
negotiated contention-winner sessions within the group
named by modename.
Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line
gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect
55─ ─CEMT Set MODename ─┬ ─(value) ────────────5
5─ ─┬ ─────────────────── ──────────────────────5
5─ ─┬ ────────────────── ─┬ ────────── ─5%
└┘─AVailable(value)├ ┤─ACQuired─


specifies one or more names (1-8 characters) of a group
of sessions. Mode names need not be unique. You
cannot specify a list of names, but you can use the
symbols * and + to specify a family of mode names.
A mode name consisting of eight blanks is valid. To
specify this name, enclose the string of blanks within
single quotation marks:
CICS is to acquire (or “bind”) all the negotiated
contention-winner sessions within the group.
ALlspecifies that any changes you request are done to all
resources of the specified type that you are authorized
to access.
Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT 187