| The coupling facility data table does not require loading
| from a source data set. It is fully usable as soon as it is
| created, and is populated entirely by the transactions
| that use it.
You cannot read records in the file.
NOTRls (
vsam only
The file is defined to be accessed in a non-RLS mode
(LSR or NSR).
For information about switching from RLS to non-RLS
mode, see the
CICS Recovery and Restart Guide
The file name does not represent a data table.
You cannot update records in the file.
Old The disposition of the data set associated with the file is
defined as unshared for dynamic allocation.
The file is open. If the file is OPEN ENABLED, it is
available for data accesses by CICS transactions. If it is
OPEN DISABLED, it must first be enabled before it is
If the file was unenabled by a previous SET FILE
CLOSED command, the SET FILE OPEN command
reenables the file implicitly.
You can read records in the file.
| specifies the maximum record size for a coupling facility
| data table that does not require pre-loading from a
| source data set.
| You can specify the record size for a file that does not
| currently refer to a coupling facility data table, but which
| could be switched to use a coupling facility data table at
| a later date. Specify a record size of 1- to 32767-bytes,
| or specify a record size of zero to remove a previously
| defined value.
RLs (
vsam only
The file is defined to be accessed in RLS mode.
The disposition of the data set associated with the file is
defined as shared for dynamic allocation.
| specifies the name of the table for a coupling facility
| data table.
You can update records in the file.
The file name represents a user-maintained data table.
Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT 183