specifies the length of time during which the statistics
counters are incremented. At the end of each interval,
the accumulated statistics are recorded and the statistics
counters are reset.
Interval times must be in the range 000100-240000. The
default interval value is 030000. These interval settings
only take place if you set the statistics recording status
to ON. You can set the statistics recording status ON or
OFF using the RECORDING option on this command or
by using the STATRCD system initialization parameter.
The arrival of the ENDOFDAY time always causes the
current interval to be ended (possibly prematurely) and a
new interval to be started. Only end-of-day statistics are
recorded at the end-of-day time, even if it coincides
exactly with the expiry of an interval.
Changing the ENDOFDAY value has an immediate
effect on the times at which INTERVAL statistics are
recorded. New interval expiry times are recalibrated in
accordance with the new end-of-day time.
When you change the INTERVAL value or the
ENDOFDAY value (and also when CICS is initialized),
the length of the current (or first) interval is adjusted so
that it expires after an integral number of intervals from
the end-of-day time.
These rules are illustrated by the following example,
where I indicates an interval recording, INTERVAL is set
at 3-hourly intervals, CICS is initialized at 0815 hours,
and E indicates the ENDOFDAY setting at 1700 hours.
┌]─ CICS initialized with
ð8 ð9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Note: In this example, there would have been an
interval at 0800 hours if CICS had been
initialized earlier.
If you want your end-of-day recordings to cover 24
hours, set INTERVAL to 240000.
OFfThe recording of interval statistics is switched OFF.
(End-of-day, requested, and unsolicited statistics are
always recorded.) Counters are still incremented as
usual and the recording of end-of-day, requested, and
unsolicited statistics is still made. Statistics can be
recorded at any time by issuing a CEMT PERFORM
ON The recording of interval statistics is switched ON.
Counters are incremented as usual, and are reset at the
expiry of each interval and at end-of-day. Statistics can
be recorded at any time by issuing a CEMT PERFORM
The existing statistics are to be written to an SMF data
set. The statistics that you are given are those collected
since the last ENDOFDAY or INTERVAL collection, or
since the last time the RESETNOW function was used in
this or the PERFORM STATISTICS command.
RECORDNOW RESETNOW only takes effect when the
recording status is changed.
Note: RECORDNOW RESETNOW both resets the
statistics counter and also writes the existing
statistics to an SMF data set. The statistics that
you are given are those collected since the last
ENDOFDAY or INTERVAL collection, or since
the last time the RESETNOW function was used
in this or the PERFORM STATISTICS command.
RECORDNOW RESETNOW only takes effect
when the recording status is changed.
The statistics counters are to be reset. The reset takes
effect only if the recording option is changed from OFF
to ON or from ON to OFF. For information about the
effect of reset on each individual counter, see the CICS
statistics tables in the
CICS Performance Guide
The action, for each counter, is one of the following:
Not reset
Reset to zero
Reset to 1
Reset to current value (this applies to peak values)
An exception to the above.
Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT 195