Function: Change the attributes of a CICS dump data set.
Description: Using SET DUMPDS, you can open or close
the active CICS dump data set, and specify whether or not
the automatic switch to the inactive dump data set occurs
when the active dump data set is full.
For more information about dumps, see the
CICS Problem
Determination Guide
Syntax: Press the Clear key to clear the screen. There are
two ways of commencing this transaction:
Type CEMT SET DUMPDS (theminimum abbreviation is
CEMT S DU). You get a display that lists the current
status, similar to that obtained by CEMT INQUIRE
DUMPDS. You can then tab to the highlighted or blank
fields and overtype them with the required values.
Type CEMT SET DUMPDS (CEMT S DU)followed by one or
more attribute settings that you wish to change. For
example, cemt s du o a willopen the active dump data
set and cause autoswitch to occur only when the active
dump data set is full.
Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line
gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect
55─ ─CEMT Set DUmpds ─┬ ──────── ───────────────5
5─ ─┬ ────────────── ─5%


The switch occurs only when the active dump data set
is full, but not subsequently.
The active CICS dump data set is closed.
When the active dump data set is full, there is not to be
an automatic switch to the inactive dump data set.
The active CICS dump data set is opened.
The currently active dump data set is to become
inactive, and the currently inactive data set is to become
|Function: Set the status of enqmodel definitions on the
| local system.
|Description: Each ENQMODEL definition may be in one
| of the following states
|ENABLED Matching ENQ requests will be processed in the
| normal way.
|DISABLED Matching ENQ requests will be rejected, and the
| issuing task abended abcode ENQ_DISABLED.
| Matching INSTALL/CREATE/DISCARD requests
| will be processed.
|WAITING Matching ENQ requests will be rejected, and the
| issuing task abended abcode ENQ_DISABLED.
| There are INSTALL/CREATE/DISCARD requests
| waiting to be processed.
| This command provides a means for you to set the
| ENABLED and DISABLED states for ENQmodel resources
| installed on the local system. An enqmodel must be enabled
| to allow matching EXEC ENQ requests to be processed. It
| must be disabled to allow a more specific enqmodel to be
| enabled.
| Enqmodels forming nested generic enqnames must be
| enabled in order, from the most to the least specific. For
| example, enable ABCD* then ABC* then AB*.
| If you attempt to enable a more specific enqmodel when a
| less specific enqmodel is already enabled, the result is that
| message DFHNQ0107 is issued.
| You cannot enable/disable an enqmodel which is in the
| waiting state.
| Syntax
|55─ ─CEMT Set ENQModel(value)──┬ ────────── ─5%
| Options
| The 8-character identifier of the resource definition
| The ENQMODEL will be put into the WAITING state
| (See Inquire Enqmodel) until there are no enqueues in
| the local system which match the ENQNAME pattern. It
| will then be DISABLED. Once DISabled, matching ENQ
| requests will be rejected, and the issuing task abended
| abcode ENQ_DISABLED.
| If the enqmodel is DISABLED, it will be ENABLED. Once
| enabled, matching ENQ requests will be processed in
| the normal way.
Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT 179