Function: Retrieve information about terminals.
Description: INQUIRE TERMINAL returns information
about a named terminal defined in the terminal control table
In an SNA environment, a terminal is the CICS
representation of an SNA logical unit with which CICS can be
in communication. (SNA environment means that CICS is
using VTAM or ACF/TCAM GSA as the access method for
communication with SNA logical units.)
This logical unit can be:
A physical terminal (such as a 3277)
A function of a cluster controller (such as a 3790 Type 2
batch function)
An intersystem communication (ISC) or interregion
communication (IRC) session that has been generated
by the CEDA transaction
A remote terminal
A remote session; that is, a session of a remote
If you are familiar with network names, you may prefer to use
the command that uses these names. See “CEMT INQUIRE
NETNAME” on page 99.
| The terminal entry displayed can also be an MVS console.
The message “TEMP OUT SERVICE” can be displayed if
recovery is in progress for the terminal. The ”TEMP OUT
SERVICE” indicator is reset by simply refreshing the screen,
or by overtyping the “INS” field with “INS” or “OUT”. If “TEMP
OUT SERVICE” continues to be displayed, the cause of the
indicator should be investigated.
Input: Press the Clear key to clear the screen. There are
two ways of commencing this transaction:
Type CEMT INQUIRE TERMINAL (theminimum abbreviation
is CEMT I TE). You get a display that lists the current
many of the other attributes as are necessary to limit the
range of information that you require. So, for example, if
you enter cemtiteiat, the resulting display will show
you the details of only those terminals that are in service
and available for use. Or if you enter cemt i te
rem(cicr), the display will show you only remote
terminals (or remote ISC or IRC sessions) owned by the
system that the local CICS knows as CICR.
To change various attributes, you can:
Overtype your changes on the INQUIRE screen after
tabbing to the appropriate field (see “Overtyping a
display” on page 47).
Use the CEMT SET TERMINAL command.
55─ ─CEMT Inquire TErminal ─┼ ────────────── ───5
├┤─(value) ─────
5─ ─┬ ──────────────────── ─────────────────────5
5─ ─┬ ──────────────── ─┬ ───────────────── ────5
|└┘─COnsole(value)└ ┘─PRiority(value)
5─ ──┬ ────────────── ──┬ ──────────── ───────────5
─PAgeable───── ─Inservice──
─AUtopageable─ ─Outservice─
5─ ─┬ ┬─────── ─┬ ┬─────── ─┬ ─────────── ────────5
─ATi─── ─TTi─── ─RTerminal─
─NOAti─ ─NOTti─ ─RSession──
5─ ─┬ ──────────────── ─┬ ────────── ───────────5
└┘─NEtname(value)├ ┤─ACquired─
5─ ──┬ ────────── ─┬ ┬───────────── ──────────────5
├┤─CReate─── └ ─TAsk(value)
5─ ─┬ ───────────────────── ────────────────────5
5─ ──┬ ────────────── ─┬ ┬───────────────── ──────5
└┘─RNAme(value)└ ┘─RNEtname(value)
5─ ─┬ ─────────────── ─┬ ──────────── ─5%
└┘─Userid(value)└ ┘─CId(value)
is a terminal identifier (1-4 characters) as specified in an
installed terminal definition.
If the terminal name is, for example, S201, this option is
coded thus:
ALlis the default. For example, if you inquire about
terminals, you receive information about all terminals,
unless you specify a terminal identifier, a terminal class
identifier, or a system identifier.
is the 1- or 2-character suffix of a terminal list table
If you do not specify a termid or class identifier, by default
you receive information about all the terminals.

Sample screen

Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT 129