CEDA—resource definition online
Every resource definition must have a GROUP name.
The resource definition becomes a member of the group
and is installed in the CICS system when the group is
installed. The GROUP name can be up to 8 characters
in length.
The name of a journal model containing specifications of
journal names. An MVS log stream name is associated
with each journal model entry.
LISTThe name of the list for which a specified group is to be
added, appended, checked, displayed, expanded,
installed, locked, removed, or unlocked.
The local shared resources (LSR) pool is a reserve of
data buffers, strings, and hiperspace buffers that VSAM
uses when processing access requests for certain files.
A series of different BMS maps.
A table that describes to CICS how a display screen is
to be partitioned.
The PARTNER definition enables CICS application
programs to communicate via APPC protocols to a
partner application program running on a remote logical
unit. PARTNER is one of the four resources (the other
three are PROFILE, CONNECTION, and SESSION) that
you must specify to allow the System Application
Architecture (SAA) communications interface to be used.
| Use the CICS business transaction services (BTS) API
| to define and execute complex business applications
| called


A group of programs that control a number of
transactions or partners.
The name of the program that is to control a given
| A REQUESTMODEL resource definition provides the
| connection between an Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
| (IIOP).
The logical link of two systems that communicate using
| Use this resource definition to define which TCP/IP
| services are to use CICS internal sockets support. The
| internal CICS services that can be defined are IIOP and
| the CICS Web Interface.
The definition of each transient data queue used in your
CICS system. Queue types can be intrapartition,
extrapartition, or indirect. Remote queues cannot be
specified explicitly; see the

CICS Resource Definition

for more information about defining transient data
queues to be remote.
The definition of each terminal used in your CICS
system. A terminal can be any device linked to your
system, for example, visual display units, printers,
facsimile machines. To simplify matters, it is possible to
group resources that have common features by using
TO The new group to which a definition is to be copied.
The name of a user-defined class of transactions.
The name of the transaction. Within the transaction
definition, you can specify options such as transaction
priority and length of the transaction work area. You also
add to the transaction name the names of related
| The TSMODEL resource allows you to specify a TS
| queue name prefix, and associate attributes with that
| name. You can also map names directly to a shared TS
| pool (without the need for a shared sysid).
Some of the common attributes of your terminals. This
has to be defined as part of the terminal definition.
CSD compatibility panel
Figure 22 on page 38 shows a normal ALTER panel with
one attribute (PRIMedsize) that is obsolete in CICS/ESA
3.3, protected as indicated by the colon symbol (:).
Use the PF2 key to change to the compatibility mode panel
shown in Figure 25 on page 38. PRIMedsize is now shown
with the ==> symbols indicating that it can be modified. Use
the PF2 key again to return to the normal panel.
See the
CICS Resource Definition Guide
for background
information about the CSD compatibility panel.
Chapter 9. Resource definition online CEDA 37