| returns the DD name of the PDS containing the
| template. The DDName applies only to a template of
| type PDS. If a membername is supplied without a value
| for DDNAME, the default value DFHHTML is used.
| returns the name of this DOCTEMPLATE definition.
| returns the name of the location defined in
| returns the extended template name by which the
| doctemplate is known outside the resource definition
| function.
| returns the location of the template. Values are:
|EXITPGM the exit program to be invoked when a
| request is made for this template.
|FILE the 8-character name of the CICS file
| definition for the data set containing the
| template.
|MEMBER returns the name of the member in the PDS
| containing the template.
|PROGRAM returns the name of the program in which
| the template data is stored.
|TDQUEUE returns the name of the TD queue in which
| the template is stored.
|TSQUEUE returns the name of the TS queue in which
| the template is stored.
| returns the format of the template contents.
|BINARY When the template is loaded from the
| template library, no parsing of the template's
| contents is done.
|EBCDIC When the template is loaded from the
| template library, the contents are parsed as
| EBCDIC text.
Function: Retrieve information about the local CICS
dynamic storage areas (DSAs).
Description: CEMT INQUIRE DSAS returns the value of
various DSA sizes and limits.
Input: Press the Clear key and type CEMT INQUIRE DSAS
(the minimum abbreviation is CEMT I DSA).
To change various attributes, you can:
Overtype your changes on the INQUIRE screen after
tabbing to the appropriate field (see Figure 64)
Use the CEMT SET DSAS command.

Sample screen

à ð
Dsalimit( ð41943ð4 )
Cdsasize( ðð524288 )
Rdsasize( ðð262144 )
SDsasize( ðð262144 )
Udsasize( ðððððððð )
EDsalimit( ðð2ð97152ð )
ECdsasize( ððð2ð97152 )
ERdsasize( ððð3145728 )
ESdsasize( ðððððððððð )
EUdsasize( ððð1ð48576 )
Figure 64. CEMT INQUIRE DSASscreen
55─ ─CEMT Inquire DSAs ─5%

Displayed fields

displays the maximum amount of storage, as a total
number of bytes, within which CICS can dynamically
allocate storage for the four individual DSAs that reside
below the 16MB boundary. (See the
CICS System
Definition Guide
for a description of the DSALIM system
initialization parameter.)
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a
different value.
If DSALIMIT specifies a value lower than the current
limit, CICS may not be able to implement the new limit
immediately, but will attempt to do so over time as
dynamic storage is freed in the individual DSAs.
displays whether CICS is short on storage in any of the
dynamic storage areas. The values are:
CICS is not short on storage in any of the dynamic
storage areas.
SOS CICS is short on storage in dynamic storage areas
above and below 16MB.
72 CICS Supplied Transactions