Note: Spacing in the document-portrait is actually 6.375 lines per inch. Line
spacing dimension is approximate. For the impact printer in portrait
mode, the actual line spacing must be calculated using 51 steps per
In the impact (document - landscape) station this would be set to 21
This command should be sent after “Set print station parameters” on page
Select color printing
This command is not supported for Models TI1 and TI2.
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC r nor X'1B;72;n;'
00 Cancel color printing
01 Enable full-character color printing
02 Enable half-character color printing
Toenable half-character or full-character color printing, or to disable color
vYoucan enable and disable full-character color printing within a print line.
This enables you to print one word in a different color.
vThis command can be used up to 8 times in a line when full-character
color printing is used.
vHalf-character color printing is only supported at the beginning of a print
vIf both bit 1 and bit 0 of nare set (n=03), only half-character color
printing will be enabled.
vThis command is only valid if the Enable Color Printing command (see
“Select thermal paper” on page 147) is sent first.
vWhen color paper is enabled, depending on the paper, the printer might
be limited to printing at 15 lps when printing 8 lpi.
Set line spacing using minimum units
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC 3 nor X'1B33;n'
nSpecifies line feed steps.
In the customer receipt station, 1 inch = 204 steps and 1 mm = 8
steps. Thermal must be an even number.
Updated April 2, 2009
AppendixD. EIA-232 programming information 137