specified by the Select printing direction/position command (X'1B;54...'). If
the print position is bottom-to-top, or top-to-bottom, this command adjusts
the print position in the vertical direction.
vThis is a one-time adjustment on the current line. If this command moves
the print position outside the printable area specified by the Select
printable area command, it is ignored.
Set relative horizontal position
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC <5C>h n1 n2 or X'1B;5C;n1;n2'
vn1 is the high-order byte of the dot offset, relative to the left margin in
standard mode or the current print position in page mode.
vn2 is the low-order byte of the dot offset, relative to the left margin in
standard mode or the current print position in page mode.
n1 =0,n2 =0
vIn the thermal station, 1 mm = 8 dots.
vIn the impact station, 1 inch = 150 half-dots (75 dots).
vn1 and n2 are hex values. Toget the decimal equivalent, convert each to
decimal, and then use this formula: (n1 x 256) + n2..
vTomove the position to the left, use a negative number.
vIf this number plus the left margin exceeds the printable area, the
command is ignored.
vIn the CR station, this number is rounded back to factor of 8. See the Set
left margin position command for more information.
vWhen printing in page mode, this is a one-time adjustment on the current
line. If this command moves the current print position outside the
printable area defined by the Select printable area command, the
command is ignored.
Set printing position
EIA-232 Syntax:
GS]xyor X'1D;5D;x;y'
vx is the two-byte horizontal position, with respect to the paper, regardless
of printing direction.
vy is the two-byte vertical position, with respect to the paper, regardless of
printing direction.
vThis command allows complete control of the printing position with a
single command.
vIf either parameter is outside the printable area defined by the Select
printable area command, the command is ignored.
Updated April 2, 2009
180 SureMark Printers User’s Guide