GEM0650/0956/1256 Remote | For the Plumber |
Water Inlet:
The recommended water supply is cold water. Use 3/8 inch O.D. copper tubing, connect to the 3/8 inch male flare on the back of the cabinet. Install a hand valve near the machine to control the water supply.
Ice Machine:
There is one 3/4 inch FPT drain at the back of the cabinet; the drain line is of the gravity type, and 1/4 inch per foot fall is an acceptable pitch for the drain tubing. There should be a vent at the highest point of the drain line, and the ideal drain receptacle would be a trapped and vented floor drain. Use only ¾ inch rigid tubing.
Storage Bin:
Install a separate gravity type drain. Insulation of this drain line is recommended.
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