RS-232C port setting

COM Port Erroror Communication faileddialog box appears
when the RS-232C serial port is not set correctly.
NOTE: When launching the program for the rst time, this
setting dialog appears for setting the RS-232C serial port.

DMulti-function receiver screen

qBefore launching the program, make sure the IC-PCR100
interface unit is connected correctly.
wLaunch the IC-PCR100 software.
eClick the [POWER] button in the tool bar or select Power
OFFin the File menu to temporarily pause the program.
rClick the [PORT] button or select COM Por tin the Option
menu to bring up the [COM Port Setting] dialog box.
tClick the desired
COM por t number to
choose it.
yClick the [OK] b utton.

DSimple function receiver screen

qBefore launching the program, make sure the IC-PCR100
interface unit is connected correctly.
wLaunch the IC-PCR100 software.
eClick the [POWER] button to temporarily pause the pro-
rRight-click* the frequency indication to display shor tcut
menu and select COM Portin the Option menu to bring
up the [COM Port Setting] dialog box.
* When the mouse property is set for right-handed.
tClick the desired COM port number to choose it.
yClick the [OK] button.

Mouse property setting

The IC-PCR100 uses left and right buttons to rotate a control
knob on the multi-function receiver screen or to call up the
shor tcut menu from the simple function receiver screen. De-
pending on the mouse proper ty setting of the control panel,
main and sub mouse button functions are alternated.
In this instruction manual, the operation is described with
setting for right-handed (Windows®default setting).

DSetting the button configuration

qSelect Settingsfrom the [Start] menu and click Control
wOpen the mouse control panel.
eSelect the button conguration to right- or left-handed.
rClick [OK] to set and exit the control panel.