Obvyklé èištìní a údržba

Pøed každým èištìním vypnìte napájení sporáku. Pro dosažení dlouhé životnosti pøístroje je nezbytnì nutné jej pravidelnì celý vyèistit. Dbejte však na následující pokyny:

A tisztításhoz ne használjon gozzel tisztító berendezést.

Smaltované èásti a samoèistící panely omývejte pouze teplou vodou. Zásadnì nepoužívejte žádný písek ani jiné abrasivní prostøedky. Vyhnìte se také agresivním chemickým èinidlùm, protože všechny tyto látky tìmto èástem škodí;

Vnitøní prostor trouby je tøeba èistit pravidelnì horkou vodou s použitím èistícího prostøedku, a to tehdy, dokud je trouba ještì teplá. Vnitøek trouby peèlivì omyjte a vysušte;

Elektrické plotýnky èistìte vlhkým hadøíkem a ještì teplé je potøete trochou oleje;

Na èástech z nerez oceli se mohou objevit skvrny. Je to dùsledek delšího styku s velmi tvrdou vodou nebo silnými mycími prostøedky (fosfátovými). Proto se doporuèuje tyto èásti po umytí dokonale opláchnout a vysušit, aby a nich nezùstaly kapky;

Výmìna žárovky osvìtlení vnitøku trouby

Troubu odpojte od sítì;

Odšroubujte sklenìný kryt žárovky;

Vyšroubujte žárovku a nahraïte ji novou žáruvzdornou (300°C) žárovkou s následujícími parametry:

-Napìtí 230 V

-Pøíkon 25 W

-Závit E14

Zašroubujte zpìt sklenìný kryt a troubu pøipojte k síti.

Odstranìní víka

Aby bylo èištìní varné desky snazší, mùžete víko varné desky odstranit. Nejprve jej zcela otevøete a poté jej zvednìte (viz obrázek).



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Indesit K3E11/R manual Obvyklé èištìní a údržba

K3E11/R specifications

The Indesit K3E11/R is a versatile and efficient gas cooker that serves as an ideal kitchen appliance for anyone looking to combine performance with practicality. Designed with the modern home in mind, this cooker delivers an array of features that cater to the culinary needs of every user, whether a novice or an experienced chef.

One of the standout features of the K3E11/R is its four gas burners, which offer various heat settings that allow for precise temperature control. This flexibility is crucial for achieving optimal cooking results, whether simmering a delicate sauce or boiling pasta. Each burner is designed with safety in mind, equipped with an automatic ignition system that ignites the flame quickly and reliably.

The distinctive design of the Indesit K3E11/R includes a spacious oven compartment that provides ample room for multiple dishes. With a capacity of 60 liters, this oven allows users to bake, roast, and grill with ease. The interior is lined with easy-to-clean enamel, which not only enhances hygiene but also reduces cleaning time after meal preparation. The oven features several cooking modes, including conventional, grill, and fan-assisted cooking, thereby accommodating various cooking styles and preferences.

A noteworthy technology incorporated into this model is the Eco function, which optimizes energy consumption during cooking. This feature ensures efficient utilization of gas, leading to lower utility bills and a lesser environmental impact without sacrificing cooking performance. Additionally, the K3E11/R incorporates a smart thermostat that ensures consistent temperature throughout the cooking process, providing optimal cooking results every time.

Safety is paramount in any kitchen appliance, and the Indesit K3E11/R excels in this area as well. It comes with a flame failure device that automatically shuts off the gas supply if the flame goes out, preventing potential hazards. The sturdy construction of the cooker further guarantees durability, making it a long-lasting investment for any household.

In terms of aesthetics, the K3E11/R features a sleek design with a modern finish, blending seamlessly into any kitchen décor. Its compact size makes it an excellent choice for small or medium-sized kitchens without compromising on cooking capabilities.

In conclusion, the Indesit K3E11/R stands out as a reliable and feature-rich gas cooker. Its blend of safety, efficiency, and versatility makes it an indispensable tool for anyone passionate about cooking, ensuring delicious meals can be prepared with ease and confidence.