Displaying a computer image
Remove the lens cap. | remove lens cap |
Press the Power button on the top of the projector.
press Power
The LED flashes green and the Interactive Display illuminates and counts down the time to image display. When the lamp comes on, the startup screen is displayed and the LED is steady green. It can take a minute for the image to achieve full brightness.
?No startup screen? Get help on page 15. Turn on your computer.
| turn on computer |
The computer’s image should appear on the projection screen. If it doesn’t, | source |
press the Source button on the projector’s keypad. |
Make sure your laptop’s external video port is active. |
Many laptops do not automatically turn on their external video port when a | activate laptop’s external port |
| |
projector is connected. Refer to your computer’s documentation to learn the |
activation commands specific for your computer. For example, some lap- |
tops use a key combination of FN + F5 to turn the external display on and |
off. |
? No computer image? Try pressing the Auto Image button on the keypad. Get help on page 16.