WARNING EXCESSIVE AIR PRESSURE. Can cause person- al injury, pump damage or property damage.
SDo not exceed the maximum inlet air pressure as stated on the
pump model plate.
SBe sure material hoses and other components are able to with- stand fluid pressures developed by this pump. Check all hoses for damage or wear. Be certain dispensing device is clean and in proper working condition.
WARNING STATIC SPARK. Can cause explosion resulting in severe injury or death. Ground pump and pumping system.
SSparks can ignite flammable material and vapors.
SThe pumping system and object being sprayed must be grounded when it is pumping, flushing, recirculating or spray- ing flammable materials such as paints, solvents, lacquers, etc. or used in a location where surrounding atmosphere is conducive to spontaneous combustion. Ground the dispens- ing valve or device, containers, hoses and any object to which
material is being pumped.
mum) wire (kit is included) to a good earth ground source.
SSecure pump, connections and all contact points to avoid
vibration and generation of contact or static spark.
SConsult local building codes and electrical codes for specific
grounding requirements.
SAfter grounding, periodically verify continuity of electrical path to ground. Test with an ohmmeter from each component (e.g., hoses, pump, clamps, container, spray gun, etc.) to ground to
insure continuity. Ohmmeter should show 0.1 ohms or less.
SSubmerse the outlet hose end, dispensing valve or device in the material being dispensed if possible. (Avoid free streaming
of material being dispensed.)
SUse hoses incorporating a static wire. S Use proper ventilation.
S Keep inflammables away from heat, open flames and sparks. S Keep containers closed when not in use.
WARNING Pump exhaust may contain contaminants. Can cause severe injury. Pipe exhaust away from work area and per- sonnel.
S In the event of a diaphragm rupture material can be forced out of the air exhaust muffler.
S Pipe the exhaust to a safe remote location when pumping haz- ardous or inflammable materials.
S Use a grounded 3/8” minimum i.d. hose between the pump and the muffler.
WARNING HAZARDOUS PRESSURE. Can result in serious injury or property damage. Do not service or clean pump, hoses or dispensing valve while the system is pressurized.
S Disconnect air supply line and relieve pressure from the sys- tem by opening dispensing valve or device and / or carefully and slowly loosening and removing outlet hose or piping from pump.
WARNING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Can cause serious in- jury or property damage. Do not attempt to return a pump to the factory or service center that contains hazardous material. Safe handling practices must comply with local and national laws and safety code requirements.
SObtain Material Safety Data Sheets on all materials from the supplier for proper handling instructions.
CAUTION Verify the chemical compatibility of the pump wetted parts and the substance being pumped, flushed or re- circulated. Chemical compatibility may change with tempera- ture and concentration of the chemical(s) within the substances being pumped, flushed or circulated. For specific fluid compatibility, consult the chemical manufacturer.
CAUTION Maximum temperatures are based on mechani- cal stress only. Certain chemicals will significantly reduce maximum safe operating temperature. Consult the chemical manufacturer for chemical compatibility and temperature lim- its. Refer to Pump Data on page 1 of this manual.
CAUTION Be certain all operators of this equipment have been trained for safe working practices, understand it’s limita- tions, and wear safety goggles / equipment when required.
CAUTION Do not use the pump for the structural support of the piping system. Be certain the system components are properly supported to prevent stress on the pump parts.
SSuction and discharge connections should be flexible connec- tions (such as hose), not rigid piped, and should be compatible with the substance being pumped.
CAUTION Prevent unnecessary damage to the pump. Do not allow pump to operate when out of material for long periods of time.
SDisconnect air line from pump when system sits idle for long periods of time.
CAUTION Use only genuine ARO replacement parts to as- sure compatible pressure rating and longest service life. NOTICE Install the pump in the vertical position. The
pump may not prime properly if the balls do not check by gravi- ty upon
of housing and gasket materials may cause fasteners to loos- en.
NOTICE Replacement warning labels are available upon
request: “Static Spark” pn \
WARNING = Hazards or unsafe practices which could result in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage.
CAUTION = Hazards or unsafe practices which could result in minor personal injury, product or property damage.
NOTICE = Important installation, operation or maintenance information.
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