Main Menu
Using the BIOS Setup Program
| Main |
| Advanced | Security | Power | Boot | Exit |
Table 11 describes the Main Menu. This menu reports processor and memory information and is used to configure the system date and system time.
Table 11. Main Menu
BIOS Version
Processor Type
Processor Speed
System Bus Speed
System Memory Speed
Cache RAM
Total Memory
Memory Bank 0
Memory Bank 1
System Time
No options
No options
No options
No options
No options
No options
No options
No options
•English (default)
Hour, minute, and second
Displays the version of the BIOS.
Displays processor type.
Displays processor speed.
Displays the system bus speed.
Dislays the system memory speed.
Displays the size of
Displays the total amount of RAM.
Displays the amount and type of RAM in the memory banks.
Selects the current default language used by the BIOS.
Specifies the current time.
System Date
Day of week Month/day/year
Specifies the current date.