SOSO/SOS5 Processor Dependencies


The included file may itself contain INCLUDE controls, up to a total of six files. An included file cannot contain an END statement, however. An INCLUDE control must be the rightmost control when specified in a list of controls.

F.2.8 REel Specification For Sequential Files

To simplify terminal I/O, the FORTRAN-SO compiler allows both ACCESS = 'SE- QUENTIAL' and 'RECL=reclen' to be specified in the same OPEN statement. In this case, lines (records) shorter than 'reclen' are automatically extended with blanks.

F.2.9 Flexibility In Standard Restrictions

The ANSI FORTRAN 77 standard prohibits certain constructions that cannot be checked (or are uneconomical to check) by the compiler, or that cannot be im- plemented by other processors. Although the FORTRAN-SO compiler generally follows the standard in prohibiting these constructions, it does allow certain mean- ingful constructions even though they are nonstandard. While this affords the pro- grammer some additional flexibility, be aware that future compilers may implement checks in these areas.

F .2.9.1 Association of Memory Locations. Character, logical, and numerical items can be freely declared within the same common block and can be equiva- lenced. In particular, the compiler does not check whether character variables of dif- ferent lengths are associated.

F .2.9.2 Partially Initialized Arrays. The DATA statement can be used to in- itialize arrays partially (starting at the first element). If the 'nlist' in the DATA state- ment format contains several unsubscripted array names, initialization begins with the first array and continues until all items in 'clisC have been used.

F .2.9.3 Transfers Into An If' Block. The SOSO/SOS5 FORTRAN compiler does not check the formal restriction against transfers into an IF, ELSE IF, or ELSE block.

F.3 Unit Preconnection

The UNIT run-time control is used to preconnect units to a program so they need not be connected by the OPEN statement. This control is specified when the program is loaded and has the form

UNIT n = device

where 'n' is in the range 0-255 and 'device' is any device recognized by ISIS-II.




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Intel fortran-80 manual Unit n = device, F1MYPROG UNIT4 LP, Unit 5 Fosysin