This manual describes the Intel-developed FORTRAN language (FORTRAN-80) for programming the 8080 and 8085 microcomputers. FORTRAN-80 is based on the ANSI FORTRAN 77 subset. In some instances, it incorporates features from the FORTRAN 77 full language; FORTRAN-80 also has features that exceed both ver- sions of FORTRAN 77.

Appendix D lists FORTRAN-80 extensions to the FORTRAN 77 subset that can be found in the FORTRAN 77 full set; it also lists those FORTRAN-80 superset features that go beyond both versions of FORTRAN 77. In addition, these superset features are clearly marked in the text of this manual (shadowed in grey) and should not be used if you want to preserve total compatibility with FORTRAN 77 and por- tability among processors.

The FORTRAN-80 language is described in its entirety in this manual. Limitations or extensions related to a particular compiler are described in the operator's manual for that compiler. They are summarized in Appendix F of this manual. The operator's manual also includes considerations when running in different operating system environments (such as ISIS-II and RMX-80).

The experienced FORTRAN programmer can possibly begin programming after reviewing the summaries in the appendixes of this manual. The new programmer should read it through from the beginning. While the manual is primarily written as a programming reference, it does contain some instructional material.

Chapter 1 has a short program designed to provide an intuitive feel for the language. Chapter 2 introduces FORTRAN concepts. Chapters 3-6 describe FORTRAN-80 statements in detail. These statements are grouped functionally and include brief il- lustrative examples. Chapter 7 suggests some guidelines for improving FORTRAN programming techniques and recommends sources for further study of programm- ing as a science. We also suggest that the beginning programmer read one two FOR- TRAN tutorials. Some recommended introductory texts are included in the bibliography at the end of Chapter 7.

Finally, all users of this manual should refer to the following documents as necessary:

ISIS-II FORTRAN-80 Compiler Operator's Manual


ISIS-II System User's Guide


X3.9-1977 FORTRAN

The latter document can be ordered from:

The American National Standards Institute, Inc.

1430 Broadway

New York, New York



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Intel fortran-80 manual Preface