FORTRAN Concepts

Statement function names

Intrinsic function names

Dummy procedure names

Variables appearing as dummy arguments in a statement function have a scope of that statement only.

Common block names are generally global, but do admit exceptions. A common block name in a program unit may also be the name of any local entity other than an intrinsic function in a function subprogram. An intrinsic function name may be used as a common block name, however, if the program unit does not reference that function. If a name is used for both a common block and a local entity, its ap- pearance identifies only the local entity except in COMMON and SAVE statements.

2.3 Notational Conventions

This manual uses the following notational conventions to describe FORTRAN-80 statements and concepts:

Special characters from the FORTRAN character set, uppercase letters, and uppercase words (keywords) are to be written as shown, except where otherwise noted.

Lowercase letters and words indicate nonspecific arguments for which specific items must be substituted in actual statements.

Brackets [ ] are used to indicate optional items.

Ellipses (... ) indicate that the preceding optional items can appear one or more

.times in succession.

Blanks are used to improve readability, but have no significance.

As an example of the notation used, the description

CALL sub [ ([arg[,arg] ...] ) ]

means the following forms of the CALL statement are permissible:

CALL sub CALL sub ( ) CALL sub (arg) CALL sub (arg, arg) CALL sub (arg, arg, arg) etc.

When the actual CALL statement is written, specific entities would be substituted for 'sub' and each 'arg.'

CALL ROUT1(A, 3.72, 4.12)


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Image 25
Intel fortran-80 manual Notational Conventions, Call sub arg,arg, Call ROUT1A, 3.72