
FREEFORM Compiler Control, F-2

Functions, 2-1, 5-1ff

FUNCTION Statement, 5-4,A-7

FUNCTION Subprograms, 5-4

GO TO Statements,

Assigned, 4-2,A-7

Computed, 4-1,A-7

Unconditional, 4-1,A-7

'H' Edit Descriptor, 6-19, 6-20

Hollerith Data Type, C-1

lABS Intrinsic Function, B-1ICHAR Intrinsic Function, B-1IDIM Intrinsic Function, B-2'I' Edit Descriptor, 6-16, 6-17IF Block, 4-3

IFIX Intrinsic Function, B-1IF Statements,

Arithmetic, 4-2,A-7 Block, 4-4,A-7 Logical, 4-3,A-7

IMPLICIT Statement, 3-3,A-8 Implied - DO List, 6-13INCLUDE Compiler Control, F-3INPUT Intrinsic Function, F-2Input/Output, 1-2, 6-1ff Integer Editing, 6-17INTEGER Statement, 3-1,A-8 INT Intrinsic Function, B-1Intrinsic Functions, 5-1,B-1 ff INTRINSIC Statement, 5-2,A-8 IOSTAT I/O Specifier, 6-4,6-11, 6-12ISIGN Intrinsic Function, B-1

'L' Edit Descriptor, 6-16, 6-18Length of Data, (see 'Data Length') Length of Record,

(see 'Record Length Specifier) Limits on FORTRAN Language, F-1Lines, 1-1, 2-2

Line Format, 2-2,F-2

List - Directed Formatting, 6-22Logical Assignment Statement, 3-9,A-l Logical Editing, 6-18

LOGICAL Statement, 3-2,A-8 Loop Control, 4-6Lowercase Letters, F-2

Main Program, 2-1

MAXO Intrinsic Function, B-2

MAXI Intrinsic Function, B-2

Memory Definition, 3-11

MINO Intrinsic Function, B-2

MIN I Intrinsic Function, B-2

MOD Intrinsic Function, B-1

NINT Intrinsic Function, B-1

Nonexecutable Statements, 1-3


Notational Conventions, 2-13

Number Base, 2-5, 6-16, 6-19

OPEN Statement, 6-4,A-9


Arithmetic, 2-7

Logical, 2-9

Precedence, 2-11

Relational, 2-8

Order of Statements, 1-4

OUTPUT Intrinsic Function, F-2

PAUSE Statement, 4-8, A-9 'P' Edit Descriptor, 6-19,6-21 Port Input/Output, 6-1,F-2PRINT Statement, 6-14, A-9 Procedures, 2-1, 5-1 Program,

Unit, 2-1Structure, 2-1Termination, 1-3, 4-7

Program Development, 7-1ff PROGRAM Statement, 2-1, 2-2,A-to

READ Statement, 6-10,A-to

REAL Intrinsic Function, B-1

Real Number Editing, 6-17,6-18

REAL Statement, 3-1,A-I0

REC I/O Specifier, 6-11, 6-12,6-13

RECL I/O Specifier, 6-6,F-4

Record Length Specifier, 6-6

Record Number Specifier, 6-12

Records, 6-1

REENTRANT Compiler Control, F-2

Reentrant Procedures, 5-5, F-2

References, iii, 7-5

RETURN Statement, 5-6,A-I0

REWIND Statement, 6-9,A-II

SAVE Statement, 5-7,A-11

Scale Factor Editing, 6-19, 6-21

SIGN Intrinsic Function, B-2

SINH Intrinsic Function, B-2

SIN Intrinsic Function, B-2

Slash Editing, 6-19, 6-20

SQRT Intrinsic Function, B-2

Statement Functions, 5-2,A-II

Statement Labels, 2-2

Statement Sequence,

(see 'Order of Statements')

Statement Syntax, 2-13

STATUS I/O Specifier,

OPEN, 6-5

CLOSE, 6-9

STOP Statement, 4-8,A-II

STORAGE Compiler Control, F-3

Subprograms, 2-1





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Intel fortran-80 manual Block Data Function Subroutine