P/N: 900-10004-00 REV 02 USER GUIDE, IOSAFE R4
System Reset Switch The
System Reset
switch on the front of the ioSafe R4 next to the power button.
The System Reset switch allows you to perform three functions: (1) re-install the ioSafe R4
firmware, (2) reset the ioSafe R4 back to the factory default settings, and (3) change between
Typically, you should not need to resort to options (1) and (2) unless you have exhausted all other
means of recovering your system. You may want to re-install the ioSafe R4 firmware as a first step,
if the ioSafe R4 had been working normally but a configuration change makes it inaccessible. If this
does not work and/or you wish to set the ioSafe R4 back to a factory default state, you can do so
following the instructions below:
To re-install the ioSafe R4 firmware
, use a paper clip to depress the switch while the
system is off. Continue to depress the reset switch while powering on the system and
continue to hold the reset switch for 5 seconds afterward. The disk LED’s will flash once
to signify that the command has been accepted. The firmware installation will take several
minutes to complete. The Status LED in the front will also be solid when the process is
complete. The installation will not affect the data on the ioSafe R4.
Make sure not to
press the reset switch for too long, otherwise a destructive Factory Default process
will be started instead
(see below).
To set the ioSafe R4 device to Factory Default
, use the same process, except you must
hold the System Reset Switch for 30 seconds after powering on the system. You should
see the disk LED’s flash for a second time to signify that the command has been accepted.
Note that this process re-installs the firmware and resets the disk configuration,
you may have had on the NAS.
To change between X-RAID and Flex-RAID mode
, you will need to perform a
Factory Default using the method described above. Note that changing RAID modes will
not preserve your data, so make sure to perform a backup before doing this. During the
boot process during Factory Default, there will be a 10-minute window where you can use
RAIDar to select the desired volume setup. RAIDar will display your ioSafe R4 with