P/N: 900-10004-00 REV 02 USER GUIDE, IOSAFE R4
Do not enable VLAN support unless you are sure your clients also support
VLAN. Otherwise, you can lose network access to the ioSafe R4 and you
may need to perform a firmware re-installation to disable the VLAN setting.
Enable jumbo frames
option allows you to optimize the ioSafe R4 for large data transfers
such as multiple streams of video playback. Select this option if your NIC and your gigabit switch
support jumbo frames.
The ioSafe R4 supports a 7936 byte frame size, so for optimal performance,
a switch capable of this frame size or larger should also be used.
Your ioSafe R4 device comes with multiple Ethernet interfaces, you will see a separate configuration
tab for each interface.