P/N: 900-10004-00 REV 02 USER GUIDE, IOSAFE R4
The FrontView management system will slow down in proportion to the
number of users in the domain. It is not advisable to use the ioSafe R4 in a
domain environment with more than 1000 users.
Share Security Mode The
Share security mode
is the easiest security option to set up.
You only need to specify a workgroup if you wish to change it from the default.
A valid workgroup name must conform to the following restrictions:
Name must consist of characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and the symbols _ (underscore), – (dash),
and . (period).
Name must start with a letter.
Name length must be 15 characters or less.
You will notice the Accounts tab which consists of share accounts which match the current share
names on the ioSafe R4. These share accounts are listed to allow you the optio n of changing the
UID and quota assigned to the share. The share quota can be changed from the Share Listing in the
Share menu as well. The UID does not need to be changed unless you wish to avoid a UID conflict
with an existing NFS user.
User Security Mode In User security mode, you specify a workgroup name just as you would in the previous security
option, and create user and group accounts. You will have control over how much disk space is
allocated for each user or group.
In this security mode, each user will be given a home share on the ioSafe R4 device that the user can
use to keep private data such as backups of the user’s PC. This home share is accessible only by that
user and the administrator who needs the privilege to perform backups of these private shares. The
option to automatically generate the private home share is controlled in the Accounts/ Preferences
tab, and you can disable it if you wish.