P/N: 900-10004-00 REV 02 USER GUIDE, IOSAFE R4
Double-click the printer icon to assign a Windows driver.
IPP Printing The ioSafe R4 also supports the IETF standard Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) over HTTP. Any
client supporting IPP Printing (IPP is available natively on the latest Windows Versions and OS X)
can now use this protocol to utilize printers connected to the ioSafe R4. The simplest way to utilize
IPP Printing is to use
to discover and setup the print queue. Bonjour is built into OS X
and can be installed on Windows (Bonjour for Windows is available for download from Apple’s
website at http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/bonjour/ ).
Managing Print Queues From time to time, printers may run out of ink, paper, or simply jam up, forcing you to deal with the
print jobs stuck in a queue. The ioSafe R4 has a built-in print queue management to handle this.
Simply go to the
tab or click
to display the printers and the jobs queued up
for any “stuck” printers.
Click on the checkbox next to the print jobs and click
Delete Print Job
to remove them from the
print queue.