P/N: 900-10004-00 REV 02 USER GUIDE, IOSAFE R4
If you have a large number of users in your domain, you may need to deselect the
Display users
from trusted domains
… checkbox. Otherwise, FrontView management system may slow down
to an unusable state.
Use of the ioSafe R4 in a domain environment with more than 1000 users is
not recommended at this time.
Click Apply to join the domain. If successful, users and groups from the domain will have login
access to the shares on this device.
Accounts are managed on the domain controller. The ioSafe R4 simply pulls the account
information from the controller and displays them in the Accounts tab if you have the
users from trusted domains…
option enabled.
If you wish, you can assign a disk quota to the domain users and groups. If email addresses are
specified, users will be automatically notified when approaching and reaching their quotas.