Installing Front-Mounted Handles forStainless Steel
1. Loosen lower door clip on door with
14" hex nut driver.
2. Locate predrilled hole at base of
handle, and fit hollow end of
handle over lower door clip.
3. Fit other end of handle over
upper door clip and slide up as
far as possible.
NOTE: If top of handle does not
fit over top clip, loosen lower clip
further until fit can be
4. Insert 14" hex nut driver into
predrilled hole at base of handle
to tighten screw. Insert screw
plug into hole, as illustrated.
5. Repeat above steps to install
other handle.
Removing Front-Mounted Handles forStainless Steel
1. Remove plastic button plug at
base of handle with a very small
flat-blade screwdriver.
Insert 14" hex nut driver into
predrilled hole to remove
2. Slide handle down and remove
from bottom door clip.
3. Repeat above steps to remove
other handle.