subsidiary information
1.Recording cannot be started.
2.TV broadcasts cannot be recorded.
4.Camcorder recording is not possible.
5.Uand ,on the display panel won’t stop blinking.
•There is no cassette loaded, or the cassette loaded has had its record safety tab removed.
•L-1, L-2, F-1, S-1 or SAT has been selected as the input mode.
•The source (another VCR, camcorder) has not been properly connected.
•All necessary power switches have not been turned on.
•The input mode is not correct.
•The camcorder has not been properly connected.
•The input mode is not correct.
•The end of the tape was reached during Recording.
Insert a cassette, or using adhesive tape, cover the hole where the tab was removed.
Set to the desired preset.
Confirm that the source is prop- erly connected.
Confirm that all units’ power switches are turned on.
Set the input mode to
Confirm that the camcorder is properly connected.
Set the input mode to
The programme may not have been recorded in its entirety. Next time make sure you have enough time on the tape to record the entire programme.
1. | Timer recording won’t work. |
2. | Timer programming is not |
| possible. |
•The clock and/or the timer have been set incorrectly.
•The timer is not engaged.
•Timer recording is in progress.
Press cand confirm that cis displayed on the display panel.
Timer programming can’t be performed while a timer recording is in progress. Wait until it finishes.
3. con the display panel won’t |
stop blinking. |
4. c, Uand ,on the display |
panel won’t stop blinking. |
•The timer is engaged but there’s no cassette loaded.
•The loaded cassette has had its record safety tab removed.
•The end of the tape was reached during timer recording.
Load a cassette with the record safety tab intact.
Remove the cassette and cover the hole with adhesive tape, or insert a cassette with the record safety tab intact.
The programme may not have been recorded in its entirety. Next time make sure you have enough time on the tape to record the entire programme.