Channel Search Mode
Use the buttons to select whether you wish to search “free and scrambled” or “only free” channels.
Network Search
Use the buttons (On/Off) to select whether a network search should be performed. If you set this to “On”, the networking of the transmission channels enables additional transmission channels that have not yet been saved to be located. They are then saved and searched for new channels in the same way as the existing channels.
If you set this to “Off”, only the
When you have made your settings, use the buttons to select “Start Search” and press the button to start searching. You can cancel the search at any time by pressing the button.
During the search you will see a display that shows you the progress of the search.
After completion of the search, you will see the following message (example):
Press the button. You will be asked whether you wish to save the changes or not. Selection
is performed using the buttons and is confirmed by pressing the button. If you select “Yes, save changes”, the newly found channels will be added to the end of the channel
list. Then press the button to exit the menu. The channel list is called up on to the TV screen by pressing the button (see also section