




Why does my oven cut off after the Auto cycle when using Auto Cook Code I when it does not alter other settings?

When using Code 1, there is no second phase of minutes counting down. Cooking is completed in first phase oi cooking.

If food is not completely cooked after usin_ suggested code, what should I do?

Q_ My scalloped polatoes were not completely cooked after using Auto Cook. Why not?

A, tf you prepared the sauce in the oven pdorto cover_: . the potatoes with the sauce, there may have b ,_ too much remaining moisture In the oven Dry _ oven completely before using Auto Coo_ since _;, function operates by senslng -steam l_ th_ _v,.

Also, starting Auto Cook wffh hot foods ca_Js: steam In the oven too soon.

AUse Time Cook and power leve! 10 for -3few tonsures to complete cooking.

Q_ Do all fresh or frozen vegetables require a standing period after cooking with Auto Cook?

A_ Most vegetables are cooked to a crisp state during Auto Cook. It is recommended that you let the vegetables stand for up to 5 mtnutas depending on slze and density of pieces. The standing tlme also enhances the overall flavor and appearance of most vegetables.

Q_ What If I don't fully cover the dish In Auto Cook?

A.Oven senses steam too quickly, shortens the cooking

time and undercooks food. Cover tightly and reset Auto Cook..

a_ Do the shapes and sizes of foods make a difference when using Auto Cook?

A_ Add water to the vegetables as recommended on guide and cover well for even, complete cooking.

Q, Should I use Auto Cook to coo.ta-,pudding* or sauces?

A. Most pudding and sauces require a lot of stirring

during cooking; therefore, time cooking is recommended.

QWhich foods are best Time Cooked, rather than Au;. Cooked?

A, Bakery foods, candles, melted chocolate or food_ when a dry or crisp surface ts desired are cooked best by Time Cook.

Q_ Are plastic containers with tight fitting lids appropriate for Auto Cooking?

t%, No, most types of plastic storage dishes, butter tubs, etc., are not recommended for mlcrowavlng. Also tight fitting plastic lids may prevent adequate steam from escaping and may keep food from cooking properly.

I tried to warm chow mein noodles using Auto Cook. Why didn't this work?

A.Food must have some moisture in order to create steam. Dry foods such as chow mein noodles, potato chips and other such foods do not have enough moisture.

Q_ May I use Auto Cook when ! am cooking my foods In more than one dish?

Ao No. It is best to use Time Cook when cooking many loods_




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Kenmore 49425, 49429 manual NEMIC14