Insta]ela rejilla frontal con el gabinete de la siguiente manera:

°Tire de la rejilta frontal hacia debajo desde la parte superior del gabinete

°Empuje las puntas de la rejilfa frontal hacia et

gabinete para insertar las leng etas de la rejilla dentro del gabinete,

o Abra la rejilla de entrada

oApriete el tomillo (ITEM E) a traves de la rejilla

frontal fijAndolo al recipiente de base oCierre la rejilla de entrada








Figura 19


fTEM E -


Figura 20


Figura 2'1



Si la contraventanainterfiere,fije unIistSnde maderade 2" de anchoal aff_izarinteriorde la ventana,que atravieseIa anchuratotaJdef alf_izar El listonde

rnaderadebeser suficientementegrueso paratevantar (a alturadel alf6izarde ta ventanade tal maneraquela unidadpuedaser instaladasin la interferenciadel marco

de la contraventana, Yea la Figura 22r

La parte superior del list6n de madera debe ser aproximadamente 3/4" rnas alto que el marco de la contraventana o el list6n de rnadera (fuera de la casa) para que el vapor ernanade de la unidad pueda drenar adecuadamente hacia el exterior

tnstale un segundo list6n de madera (de aproximadamente 6" de largo y 1" de ancho y del mismo grosor del primer liston) en el centro det alf_izar exterior nivelado con la parte posterior del alf#izar interior Atomilte los soportes L entre ]a faja. Esto levantarA el soporte L como se muestra en Ia Figura 22



1 I/2' rain




. 3/4*PULG





















4f' _"

_--'- _ HOJA OOBLE


l EN L








Figura 22


. Apague elacondicionadoraereo

Quitee! grille anterior Vea COMO A REEMPLAZAEL GRILLE ANTERIOR Refierasea pagina 37

Destorniltee! tornil!odetlado qus usted instatoen el Paso 15

Desliceel acondicionadoraereo fuera del gabinele TENGA CUIDADOno A laGOTA Tenga en Io firmementela manera

entera que desliza Iuera Una vez quitado !o puso seguridad fuera de la manera

Quite et par_ntesisL del marcode venlana y el sel]o de banda de entre el windows

Deslornillelascortinas del tadodet marco de ventana D6bIelosapoyana los ladosdel gabinete

Quiteeltomilb conectargabineteat a]I_izalinterior Tongacuidado noa permili6quegabinetelallaraunavezlomiHossequitan

Quile gabinelede abrir de venlana

Coloqueel acondicionadora_reo en el gabinefe Vuelva a instalarlos torniHosdel lado y Grille Anterior

Coloquela unidad y toda Ierreteria de la asamblea en el cartonaereo del envio de!acondicionador,y en la tienda en timpia,seca el iugar

Et aire acondicionado de] que se habla en este manual afirma petigro de peso excesivo

Dos o mas personas se requiere para mover e instalar la unidad Para evitar heridas o

agotam]ento, use tecnicas apropiadas para levntar y mover ta unidad

AI manejar la unidad, tonga cuidado para evitar corlarse con las alertas metb,licas afiladas que est,_n en los serpentines frontal y posterior

,Asegurese que et aire acondicionado no se caiga durante [a instatacion

- 32 -

Page 32
Image 32
Kenmore 580. 72089 owner manual INSTALAClONFRONTAL, SI ELACONDIClONADORDEAIREESTA, Bloqueadoporel Marcode Lacontraventana

580. 72089 specifications

The Kenmore 580.72089 is a high-efficiency air cooler designed to provide optimal cooling and enhanced air quality in various indoor environments. Known for its innovative technology and user-friendly features, this model stands out in the lineup of modern cooling solutions.

One of the primary features of the Kenmore 580.72089 is its advanced evaporative cooling technology. This system uses a combination of water and air to lower temperatures effectively. With its spacious water tank capacity, the unit can cool larger areas without the need for constant refills, making it ideal for extended use during hot summer months. The evaporative cooling process not only cools the air but also adds moisture, which can alleviate dry air conditions often found in air-conditioned spaces.

The Kenmore 580.72089 is equipped with a powerful fan that offers multiple speed settings, allowing users to customize their cooling experience based on personal comfort levels. Whether you need a gentle breeze or a more intense airflow, this model has you covered. Additionally, the fan’s oscillation feature ensures even air distribution throughout the room, preventing hot spots and creating a more comfortable environment.

Energy efficiency is another noteworthy characteristic of the Kenmore 580.72089. It is designed to consume less energy compared to traditional air conditioning units, making it an eco-friendly option. Users can enjoy a comfortable atmosphere without incurring high energy bills, which is particularly important in today’s environmentally conscious market.

The unit also features a simple and intuitive control panel, complete with a digital display. This allows users to easily adjust settings, including temperature, fan speed, and mode selections. Some models even come with a remote control, providing added convenience for users who prefer to make adjustments from a distance.

Moreover, the Kenmore 580.72089 is designed with portability in mind. With sturdy wheels and a lightweight construction, it can be easily moved from one room to another, providing versatility for various living spaces. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who require cooling in specific areas of their home, such as bedrooms, living rooms, or home offices.

In conclusion, the Kenmore 580.72089 combines advanced cooling technology with user-friendly features, making it a superb choice for those looking to beat the heat. Its efficient operation, customizable settings, and portability set it apart as a reliable solution for maintaining comfort during warm weather. With a reputation for performance and quality, this air cooler is a valuable addition to any household.