Electronic Control Features o.e, ue Dispenser Features



Max Cool

This function causes the fresh food temperature to drop to the minimum refrigerator
temperature setting available, This setting remains in effect for approximately 10
To activate and deactivate Max Cool:
To activate, press the [_ button The green light above the button will indicate
active status
To deactivate, press the @ button The green light above the button will go out
.................. iNOTE:Th 'em e a uresett'n nn°tbel
changed if Max Cool or Max Freeze
setting is active
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Max Freeze

This function causes the freezer temperature to drop to the minimum freezer
temperature setting available This setting remains in effect for approximately 24
To activate and deactivate Max Freeze:
the _ button, The green light above the button will indicate
To activate, press
active status
To deactivate, press the _ button,, The green light above the button will go out,
NOTE: The temperature setting cannot
be changed if Max Cool or Max Freeze
setting is active

Display OnlOff

The Display On/Off switch controfs power to the LED display
To activate and deactivate display:
To activate, press the _ button The display will light,
To deactivate, press the _ button The display wilt go out
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Vacation Mode

This key, if enabled, causes less frequent defrost cycles This conserves energy
To activate and deactivate Vacation Mode:
To activate, press the button The green light above the button wilt indicate
active status
To deactivate, press the _ button, or open either refrigerator door
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Alarm Off

This key is used to rum the Ht TEMP Waming Indicator and audio alarm,
as well as the OPEN DOOR audio alarm off This will also deactivate
alarms presently in progress.
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To turn the alarm off:
Press the @ button,
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