General Knowledge

Chapter 3: Other Information

lower picture quality because it uses

Dynamic range: Difference between

half the picture information of frame

the minimum reproducible audio

still, but is not accompanies with

signal and maximum reproducible

picture blur.

audio signal.

IPB display (DVD): With the MPEG2


which is one of the video display


methods of DVD, each picture is di-


vided into the following three pic-


ture types before being coded in digi-


tal signal.


I-picture (in-frame coding): This


is the standard video and can con-


stitute a picture by itself. As the high-


est picture quality can be obtained,


the still image of I-picture is most


suitable for use when adjusting the


picture quality.


P-picture (forward prediction


coding): Picture calculated based on


past pictures (I-picture or P-picture).


B-picture (bidirectional predic-


tion coding): Picture calculated by


comparing the previous and next


pictures (I-pictures or P-pictures).


This picture type contains least


amount of video information.