Playback of MP3 file

Playback of MP3 file (selecting MP3 file playback)

Selects the files to be played back directly regardless of the order in which it was written.

To play back files in the order they were recorded, see "Playback of CD-DA (CD, CD-R), MP3 file and the audio of VIDEO CD". *

It may take time for the file search depending on the number of files and the state of the folder hierarchy. PGM playback and RANDOM playback does not function during MP3 file playback.

A disc medium containing a non-closed session or a non-finalized disc medium cannot be played back.

Connect the related equipment under reference to "Connection of Other Accessories" 8

Please operate while looking at TV screen. (The display of the unit does not show the file and folder names.) Before operating, set the NTSC/PAL switch of this unit according to the TV format (country or region) and disc.%

1Make preparation for the playing.

1Select the CD input.

2Insert disc in the CD player.

÷Folder names (up to 12 folders) are displayed on the TV screen.

÷File name are displayed with 8 characters.

2Select the required file.

Menu is displayed on the screen.


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folder or file names

Application section

1Press the 1or¡key on the remote control unit to select the MP3 folder or file in the same layer.

¡key : Movesthenextfolderorfileinthesame layer.

1key : Movesthepreviousfolderorfileinthe same layer.

÷If there are more than 13 folders / files in the disc, press the ¡ key repeatedly until the dis- play will be switched.

When a folder is selected in 1

Simply selecting a folder can play no file. Go to the next hierarchy level and select the desired file.

2Move to the layer.

SELECT key : Advances to the lower layer.

RETURN key : Returns to the higher layer.

Example of a medium’s folder / files hierarchy


: Folder




: MP3 file



To next






To previous






To advance






To return

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4



To advance CD

To return





÷Files in the next folder will be played back when no files exist in the selected folder.

3Press the 1or ¡key to select the required file, and press the CD 6key, playback starts.

When a file is selected in 1

2Press the CD 6to start playback.



÷The files after the selected file will be played back in the sequence in which they were re- corded.

÷The files after the selected file will be played back in the sequence in which they were re- corded.