Kenwood TK-3200 Continue to press and hold the key to, Be reprogrammed either the Lock key

Models: TK-3200 TK-2200

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To change the functions of the Call and Monitor keys:



With the transceiver power OFF, press



and hold the Lock and Scan keys



while turning the transceiver power ON.


Continue to hold the Lock and Scan





keys until the LED lights orange and the



transceiver announces “Setup”.



Continue to press and hold the key to



be reprogrammed (either the Lock key



or the Scan key), while releasing the



remaining key.


The transceiver will announce “Table



zero” {page 25}.



If you continue to hold both keys, or if



you release both keys, the operation will



cancel in 5 seconds.

3Release the key.


Press the Lock key to increment the Table number or the Scan key to decrement the number, to select the new key function

Table numbers and their corresponding functions are provided in the table above. A voice announcement will inform you of the currently selected Table number.


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Kenwood TK-3200, TK-2200 Continue to press and hold the key to, Be reprogrammed either the Lock key, Remaining key