Scan is a useful function for hands-off monitoring of your
favorite frequencies. By becoming comfortable with all
types of scan, you will increase your operating efficiency.
This transceiver provides the following types of scans.
lamroN nacS
nacSdnaB ehtfodnaberitneehtsnacS .detcelesuoyycneuqerf
margorP nacS
ycneuqerfdeificepsehtsnacS yromeMniderotssegnar .2U/2L~0U/0LslennahC
nacSzHM anihtiwseicneuqerfehtsnacS .egnarzHM1
yromeM nacS
lennahC-llA nacS slennahCyromeMllasnacS .)99ot0morfro(991ot0morf
nacSpuorG nislennahCyromeMsnacS ,91~0(slennahc02fospuorg .).cte,95~04,93~02
llaC nacS
OFV dnalennahCllaCehtsnacS .ycneuqerfOFVtnerruceht
yromeM lennahC dnalennahCllaCehtsnacS .lennahCyromeMdetceleseht
nacSytiroirP ehtnoseitivitcaehtskcehC yreve)rP(lennahCytiroirP .sdnoces3
PurposeSca Type
When the CTCSS or DCS function is activated, the transceiver
stops at a busy frequency and decodes the CTCSS tone or DCS
code. If the tone or code matches, the transceiver unmutes.
Otherwise, it resumes scanning.
Press and hold the Mic PF key programmed as MONI {page
59} to pause scan in order to monitor the scanning frequency.
Release the key to resume scanning.
Pressing and holding Mic [PTT] causes scan to stop (excluding
Priority Scan).
While scanning, you can change the scan frequency direction by
turning the Tuning control or using the Mic [UP]/[DWN] keys.
Starting scan switches OFF the Automatic Simplex Check (ASC)
{page 26}.
Adjust the Squelch level before using Scan {page 14}. Selecting
a Squelch level too low could cause Scan to stop immediately.