Pressing the button Import license displays a dialog for opening the file with the license
(license.key). When it is loaded successfully, the information about current license
will appear in the section License information:
ID Identifier of the license (serves e.g. for verification of the license authenticity)
Holder Holder of the license — individual or organization, which bought the product.
Number of users The number of users (i.e. IP addresses of the computers in the local
network, which will be monitored). If this number is reached the next IP addresses
are not monitored and on the start of the viewer a warning, saying that the maximum
number of users was reached, is displayed.
Subscription expiration Free program upgrade expiration date.
License expiration License validity expiration date (applicable for demo versions and
time restricted version)
License state License state: Valid or Invalid. Licenseis invalid if the date of its expira-
tion occurred or the license file was corrupted, etc.
Note: If the license is invalid Kerio Network Monitor does not measure any data. It is
still possible to log in the viewer and browse older data (measured in the time, when
the license was valid), or perform configuration tasks. By importing a valid license
(see above), the program functions will be restored in full extent.