7.1 List of Computers
Use of List of Computers
The list of computers is important for presentation of chart (see chapter 7.2) and table
of transferred data volume (see chapter 7.6) presentation. These functions can display
data either for all computers in a local network (All computers) or for only the selected
computer (computers, respectively). Computers in the list can be arranged to groups
(see later). One computer can act as a member of more groups.
A computer/computers can be selected by mouse click. Several computers (and/or
groups) can be selected with the Shift key pressed simultaneously. A circular field beside
a computer name (or a group) shows, whether it was selected or not.
A sufficiently contrast color (as compared to the chart background or to the other, al-
ready applied colors) will be assigned to the selected computers. This color will be used
to separately show values for the selected group of computers in the chart.
Management of List of Computers
The user can right-click to the list of computers, or directly to the selected computer or
group, respectively. The menu with functions for the list of computers will be displayed.
Rename Renames the selected groups or computers. This function is reasonably espe-
cially for computers — the automatically detected name does not have to be descrip-
tive enough or known at all (there is an IP address displayed in the list).
Remove from group Removes the selected computer from the group, which it belongs
Forget the computer Deletes the selected computer from the list. This function can be
helpful, e.g., when the computer is permanently disconnected from a network, or the
IP address was changed.