6.3 User Accounts
User Definition
The dialog for definition of the user account will be shown after pressing the Add or Edit
buttons .
Username Name of the user. It should not contain blanks and punctuation marks.
Small and capital letters are not distinguished.
Password The user password. Can contain any printable characters (including spaces);
distinguishes capital and small letters.
Password again Verificationof the password (to check that no mistakes occurred when
entering the password)
Warning: For security purposes, it is recommended not to leave the password empty!
Also the password of the predefined user Admin should be changed after the first logon.
Account is disabled It is possible to temporarily deactivate (“turn off”) the user ac-
count by setting this option on.
If this option is on value NO apppears in the column Enabled in the list of the users ,
in the other case the value is yes.
Can manage users Theuser is allowed to create, modify and delete the user accounts.
This option also activates the option Can configure the service and in the column
Rights in the list of the users is displayed as ManUsers (resp. Conf ManUsers).
Can configure the service The user can perform the configuration of the Kerio Net-
work Monitor Daemonservice(i.e. all settings in the dialog Configuration with excep-
tion of the Users tab).