7.7 Log Windows
Print the report Prints the table. This option opens a standard system print dialog
where a printer etc. can selected.
Save the report Saves the table as an HTML page or in a CSV format (Comma Separat-
ed Values). The CSV format is relatively common and it can be opened in a lot of
programs (e.g. Microsoft Excel).
Sort the table Sorts the table according to the selected column. This option can be
used repeatedly — a new table need not to be created.
Transfer the table to MS Excel If Microsoft Excel is installed on the host where the
browser is running, you can use this button to transfer the table to the application.
Microsoft Excel offers variety of other alternatives of how to process obtained data.

7.7 Log Windows

All log windows — (Connection Log,HTTP Log,Mail Log and Error Log) have a toolbar
with these functions (from left to right):
Copy selection to clipboard Copies the selected text to a clipboard (mouse can be use
to select text). This function can be invoked using the standard hot key Ctrl+C.
Save log to file Stores log to a text file in a text format (*.txt) or in a LOG format
(*.log). This function can be invoked by the hot key Ctrl+W.
Ingeneral, theLOG formatis more suitablefor an automatic processing while the text
format is more readale for a user. For HTTP log, the LOG format is a standard (unix)
log and the text format preserves the form presented on a screen. All other logs in
the LOG format shows only IP addresses. In the text format, they are substituted by
computer names (if they are known).
Show only lines passing the rule Logs filtering. The user can display only the lines
containing the specified string. For example, only the part of the log referring to a
specific date can be displayed in this way.
Log Reading and Analysis
Each line of a log contains information about one event (e.g. about e-mail message, HTTP
request, error message etc.).