Chapter 8 Web Interface
This example shows an isolated chart for time period 1 hour, the transferred data vol-
ume for all computers will be highlighted in red color. The green color will represent the
computer used for page viewing.
Table of Transferred Data Volume
The following URL shows the table of transferred data volume (Report) according to the
specified parameters:
interval — basis of column width, it is multiplied by the parameter columnwidth.
The possible values are:
Value 0 1 2 3 4 5
Meaning minutes hours days weeks months years
back— the beginning of the table will be moved “backwards” by the specified number
of time periods. Value 0means current time.
columnscount — number of columns in the table
columnswidth — width of column. This parameter multiplied by the interval pa-
rameter determines time interval covered by one column.
sort — table will be sorted by this value:
Value 1 2 3
Meaning IP address computer name transferred data volume
direction — table will display data in this direction: