Stop current transfer Stops the transfer of the opening WWW pages (as in a browser)
Refresh tree Updates information in a tree (new data could be scanned since the
Scanned data window was opened).
This function can be invoked by F5 key.
Max age The maximum age of data, which should be presented in the tree (in an inter-
val from 5 minutes to one week, or unlimited age — *unlimited*). The Max age option
affects noticeably the size and the readability of a tree.
Show formatted Shows formatted WWW pages or e-mail messages
Show as plain text Shows WWW pages or e-mail messages in a text format (source
Open as document Opens pages or messages as a document (in a default WWW brows-
er or an e-mail client)
7.5 Status Information
Status window shows information about the system with the Kerio Network Monitor Dae-
mon installed, about the network interfaces and the disk space occupied by the database
of the scanned data.
System information System information (current time of the server, the installation
directory, and the currently logged user). The logged user is displayed in a form
name@server, where server is a DNS name or an IP address of the computer, where
the Kerio Network Monitor Daemon service runs (to which the user is connected).
Interface info Statistical information about the particular interface where Kerio Net-
work Monitor captures packets. All these information are computed from the start
of the Kerio Network Monitor Daemon service. Statistics are reset after the restart of
the server.
•Interface name — interface for which the statistics will be displayed. This listbox
contains all interfaces selected in the configuration program (see chapter 6.1) for
the packet scanning.
•Packets passed — total number of packets passed to the Daemon for processing
(their source and target address belongs to different groups)