8.7 Integration of the WWW Interface into the Company Website
Chart of Transferred Data Volume
The following URL displays the page with the chart of transferred data volume:
•resolution — time period from the following table:
Value Meaning
0 1 minute
1 5 minutes
2 15 minutes
3 1 hours
4 6 hours
5 1 day
6 1 week
7 1 month
8 1 year
•IP1, IP2, IP3 —IP addresses for which the transferred data volume will be dis-
played in the chart (ordered red, greed, blue). Instead of an IP address of a particular
computer, the address (sum of data volume for all computers) or
(loopback address; it will be replaced by the IP address of the computer, where the
page was opened) can be entered.
•service — monitored service:
Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Meaning All services HTTP POP3 SMTP FTP Telnet IMAP4 SSH
If the user wants to display an isolated chart (picture), he can use the following URL:
All parameters described above remain valid.