Chapter 7 Viewing and Analysis of Captured Data
Example: If we set the extent of a table according to the previous example, button
Suggest start date sets the date and time seven days ago (i.e. the final table will
display seven days).
Checkbox When suggesting, include the current interval governs whether the suggest-
ed start time includes the current interval (which is not finished yet).
Example: Today is Saturday 1st June, 2002, 12:00 p.m. We consider the same interval
as in the previous example (i.e. the data for one week in one-day intervals). The
Suggest start time button sets the last Saturday (i.e. 25th May, 2002). The table
will then contain the data for time period from Saturday 25th May, 2002 to Friday
31st May, 2002. If we check the option When suggesting, include the current interval,
the suggested date will be Sunday, 26th May, 2002 and the table will contain data for
the period Sunday, 26th May, 2002 — Saturday, 1st June, 2002. The last column in
the table will then contain the data for today (i.e. 0:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m.). Ifwe let
the program create the table with the same parameters e.g. at 6:00 p.m., the data in
the last column will be different.
Select the service The user can select a service whose data will be displayed in a table.
The concrete service (e.g. HTTP ,SMTP,FTP etc.) orall services (All services) can be
Choose the traffic direction Chooses the direction of the traffic that should be cap-
tured: Incoming only (only incoming data), Outgoing only (only outgoing data) or
Sum of both (the sum of outgoing and incoming data).
Show percentages Shows percentages instead of the transferred data for particular
computers. If this option is checked, onlythe total volume of the transferred data
for the relevant time period (item All computers) will be displayed in the table. The
relevant volume of the transferred data will be displayed in percentages for each
The OK button creates and shows the table according to the specified parameters.
Functions for the Data Volume Table
The Accounting report window toolbar offers the following functions (from left to right):
Change report parameters Changestable parameters. Thisoption shows a dialog for
the table settings (see above). When the dialog is closed, a new table is displayed.