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Page 139
Image 139
KitchenAid XP2240 manual 133, «∞ºö±W

XP2240 specifications

The KitchenAid XP2240 is a powerful addition to any kitchen, designed for those who take their culinary endeavors seriously. This versatile countertop appliance is primarily a stand mixer, but it excels in various kitchen tasks, thanks to its innovative features and thoughtful design.

One of the standout characteristics of the XP2240 is its robust 4.5-quart stainless steel bowl, which is perfect for processing large batches of dough, batter, or other ingredients. The bowl is equipped with a comfortable handle that makes it easy to pour and mix, enhancing the user experience.

The XP2240 also boasts a powerful motor that can handle even the toughest mixing tasks. With multiple speed settings, users have precise control over their mixing. The slow start feature prevents ingredients from splattering, ensuring a mess-free experience while mixing. The direct drive transmission allows for consistent power and performance, making it a reliable choice for both novice and experienced bakers alike.

This stand mixer incorporates the Planetary Mixing Action technology, which means that the beater rotates in one direction while the bowl rotates in the opposite direction. This ensures that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed, providing superior results when baking or preparing food. The XP2240 is compatible with a wide range of attachments, including pasta makers, food grinders, and slicers, making it a versatile tool in the kitchen.

The build quality of the KitchenAid XP2240 is impressive, featuring a sturdy base that minimizes movement during operation. Its classic design, available in various colors, adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen counter. The secure and easy-to-use tilt-head design allows for quick access to the bowl and attachments, making it easy to switch between tasks.

Additionally, the XP2240 inbuilt safety features ensure peace of mind while using the mixer. The overload protection mechanism prevents the motor from burning out, safeguarding the unit for long-term use. With its durable construction and powerful performance, the KitchenAid XP2240 is not just a mixer but a kitchen companion that empowers users to explore their culinary creativity while delivering professional results. Whether whipping cream, mixing dough, or blending ingredients, this appliance proves to be an indispensable part of modern cooking.