HELIX DN9848E Remote Control Software
User Guide
HELIX DN9848E Unit Memories
The Unit Memories screen lets you copy corresponding system and user memories between the RCS and
the actual physical units in the system. For a detailed description see Section 9.
Memories list: unit
memory store locations
(32 system and 5 user)
Select All button: selects
all units in above list
Unit Progress status
bar: shows progress
of device memory
copying process
Memory Progress status bar:
shows progress of stored
memory copying process
Cancel button: cancels
memory copying process
Deselect All button:
deselects all selected
system and user
Units list: for selecting
unit(s) that memory is
copied to/from
Deselect All button:
deselects all selected
Write To Unit button: writes
selected memories to
selected unit(s)
Read From Unit button:
reads memories from
selected unit(s)
Select All button: selects all
system and user memories
Comment field: gives details
on whether the operation is
successful or not
Locked & Protected units
are identified by an * in the LC