HELIX DN9848E Remote Control Software
User Guide
11.5 The System Configuration Window This section details only the HELIX DN9848E RCS-specific functions and any ELGAR updates
incorporated for this new software.
11.5.1 Finding ports and device names
The area highlighted in the diagram, which contains the Find Ports, Find Device Names and Cancel
buttons, is new to ELGAR.
ELGAR automatically searches for ports at start up. If any HELIX devices are switched on after ElGAR
has been started, ELGAR may not find them immediately. These buttons are used to trigger ELGAR into
performing a search of the network to find any recently-added devices, such as DN9848E, DN9340E and
DN9344E, and also their non-‘E’ variants1, attached using UDS1100 converters. If found, these are
added to the List of Devices, where the Device Type column identifies which type of device a port refers to.
To find all ports on your system
1 In the System Configuration window, click on Find Ports.
2 Click Yes.
Any new port IP addresses will be added to the IP Address drop down list in the Port Configuration window.
1 As this manual only currently details the use of the HELIX DN9848E RCS software with DN9848E units, the use of
non-‘E’ (Ethernet) variants, which require UDS1100 converters, has not been included. However, this information is
intended to be included in the next version of this manual.