HELIX DN9848E Remote Control Software
User Guide
3.4.3 DN9848E Units Home screen
For a more detailed description see Section 8.3. Click on the DN9848 Units button to obtain the DN9848E
Units Home screen. This screen relates to the currently selected unit and contains the following:
• Input channel control panels (A, B, C and D).
• Output channel control panels (1 to 8, inclusive).
• Unit’s name and number, and the name of the working memory.
• Buttons for accessing DN9848E Unit Home page, input and output channel response graphs, routing
page and system password, and ones for muting/unmuting and putting the units online/offline.
• Information sections that provide unit and RCS software, battery and communications port
The information section gives information on:
• “Unit SW Version” - the HELIX DN9848E software installed in the physical unit.
• “Battery” – provides information on state of unit’s battery, displaying “Good” or “Low”.
• “PortName” – the name of the port assigned to the current unit, which can be edited and
changed in ELGAR, see section 11.3.3.
Details of the Helix
DN9848E RCS software
Output Response button: takes you to the
outputs’ overview response graph, see
section 5.4.1
Passworsds button: password button
Input channel
control panel
Output channel
control panel
Unmute Outputs button:
unmutes all outputs
on select unit
Online button:
puts unit online
or offline, button
changes colou
HOME button: returns you
here from any of the DN9848
Units sub-screens
Fader button:
gives access to
routing pages
Input Response
button: takes
you to the
inputs’ overview
response graph,
see section 4.4.1
Mute Outputs button: mutes all
outputs on selected unit
Information section