HELIX DN9848E Remote Control Software
User Guide
9.2 Unit (Device) Memories
To copy the memories of selected devices to selected stored memories
1 Make sure you are in the Unit Memories screen, press , if necessary.
2 Under Units, tick the devices from which you wish to
copy the memories. To select/deselect all units click
or , respectively.
3 Under Memories, tick the system or user memories in
which you wish to store the selected device memories.
To select/deselect all units click or
, respectively. See diagram right.
4 Click .
5 Click Yes at the Read Unit Memories window prompt.
To copy selected stored memories to selected devices
1 Make sure you are in the Unit Memories screen, press , if necessary.
2 Under Memories, tick the system or user memories that you wish to copy. To
select/deselect all units click or , respectively.
3 Under Units, tick the devices that you wish to copy the memories to. To select/deselect all
units click or , respectively.
4 Click .
5 Click Yes at the Write Unit Memories window prompt.