HELIX DN9848E Remote Control Software
User Guide
6 Select the IP address of the HELIX DN9848E
unit you wish to connect to this port, for
example, “”.
7 Make sure Echo is set to Generic Echo Off.
8 Click OK to accept port change, or Cancel to decline.
9 Assign port to device by selecting device
in List of Devices and selecting port in the
available ports appropriate to device in
drop down list (right-hand side), for
example, “Unit 1” .
The name of the assigned port will appear
under the Assigned Port column (highlighted
in yellow opposite).
10 Click OK.
Your system should now be ready for online operation, as described in section 3.5. Successful
communication with the HELIX DN9848E units is indicated by ‘rotating’ symbols at the bottom
right-hand corner of the LCD panel (“T1R1” → “T/R/” → “T―R―”).