Matchprint Professional Server Network Guide for Windows 2000
4. Network Troubleshooting TIPS
The following is only a basic overview of some things to check if you are having networking issues. This information can help your Network Administrator to determine what changes may be needed to Matchprint Professional Server network configuration.
For network card diagnostics, refer to Network Interface Card (NIC) Diagnostics in section 3.
To help diagnose network connectivity problems there are two simple utilities that can be run from the Command Prompt application. They are ipconfig and ping. These command line utilities provide information that your Network Administrator can use to diagnose a problem.
1.Logon to the Matchprint Professional Server DFE as the Administrator. Go to the Start menu, and select Run… The Run window is displayed:
Figure 27
2.Type cmd and click OK. The cmd starts the cmd.exe or Command Prompt application. The command prompt window opens:
Figure 28
3.The first thing to try is ipconfig. This will report back information about the network that shows whether the Matchprint Professional Server is seeing the network. At the command prompt ( C:\>_ ) type ipconfig and press the Enter key.
Figure 29
Figure 29 shows an example of an obvious problem Cable Disconnected.
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