Readingthescore 159
The selected track is shown as traditional music notation. Depending on
the content of the track, lyrics, notes and chords can be shown. The MP-10
PRO takes care of ‘cleaning-up’ the score for you, so that it is always easy
to read.
Several automatic operations are carried out to clean-up the score: the MP-
10 PRO automatically quantizes to 1/16 notes, detects triplets, avoids note
overlap, understands syncopation, and groups beams according to the time
In addition, spacing and measure length are dynamic, and single, double and
end measure bars are automatically added. If a KeySign (Key Signature)
event is found at the starting position (001.01.000) of the Song’s Master
track, the correct key signature is also shown.
3. When done with the score, press the EXIT button to return to the Lyrics
4. Press the EXIT button again to return to the main screen.